Available to download or read in-browser below.
Features some adult language and themes.

My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion
By Andrew Pawley
A glimpse of the vibrant inner lives we can lead despite drudgery and mundanity of life.
Implosion Flower
Art by Gareth A. Hopkins – Words by Erik Blagsvedt – Letters by Ken Reynolds
An abstract comic complimented by poetry that makes something stark and unique.
By Kathryn Briggs
A reminiscence that explores how location can set and evoke memories.
By Cat Byrne
A single page comic dripping in pathos that wrings normality from the fantastical.
Cliffs of Dover
Script by Charles Ripley – Design & Lettering by Ken Reynolds
A sideways look at the relationship between words and images and their balance in what makes a comic page.
Script by Sérgio Santos – Art by Tânia A. Cardoso
Are we slaves to technology? Should we fight back?
By S.J. McCune
Just read it. It’s too clever and impressive to explain.
Self-Checked Out
By Tara Lucy
It doesn’t get more ‘slice of life’ than this. We’ve all experienced the hell that is the self-service checkout.
Small Press Preview: WP Comics/h2>
Featuring a sample from 2 of their publications ‘Chronicles of Terror’ & ‘Tales from Orbit’.